Saturday, September 18, 2010


Never underestimate the happiness and greatness about a loyal friendship...
As I wrote in an earlier post; I'm really bad to keep close to friends at the moment, since I don't have the ability to "keep in contact" that often that this century somewhat requires, before you can call yourself "friends."
     I sincerely from the bottom of my heart appreciate the friends that I have, that I can spend time with, do everything and nothing with. I sound so solemn. T_T But thanks to those people who accept me! And if I haven't spoken to them for a while, I really hope somehow they will still acknowledge me. Because absence is not a rejection, and I really hope people will understand it.


Yesterday was one of the greatest days in a long time. I attended a gymnasium party in my hometown, as a photographer. I was really exited, since I would meet some people I haven't seen a long time.
My best childhood friend, and still best mate was attending as well. I was going to surprise her, and when she saw me she screamed.! We haven't seen each other for 4-5months, maybe written to each other 2-3 times.. (I know it's so bad.) But she was almost crying and at first she didn't let go of me! I got wet eyes as well. I can't describe how happy I was to see her as well!. :) Though we haven't been in good contact, we know how important we are to each other. And that was really a nice feeling. :) Thank you Josephine. I love you.. <3

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Sloth or resistence?

Something I'm getting really tired of is my own laziness...

When I got home today, I was sure off that I had to work on my essay, and do all the other homework. That's just normal everyday school thingie. But I really can't. I opened the book, I opened the document that was going to be read. I look at it and then I go away.
    I put some classical music on I haven't heard for ages (yes, I like classical music... deal with it) sat on my floor and listened to it for about 2 hours. (Need a life? I don't know)
    It got me pretty relaxed actually, though the homework didn't make it self. It's 10:43pm now, I should sleep. Need to get up at 05:15am. But I don't want to sleep, because I don't like when I wake up - and the school work still haven't been made. I'm sick of it. But I just can't do it. T_T
    I also need to fix some stuff I promised different people - some things I just can't say no to do - promeses to a lot of people. I feel so bad for not doing them, but it takes me so much time to pull myself together. And even though I'm aware of it and hate it. I JUST CAN'T DO IT!

Nwaaaaa.. I wanna be Super Woman, take care of my own damn life, and learn to help others as well.
As our dear friend Zuko would have explained it : "WHY AM I SO BAD AT BEING GOOD?!"

S L O T H      S H O U L D     D I I I I I E E E ! ! ! !

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Okay. I fell in the trap too. I am now watching Glee. Many from my class watch it, together with so many other teenagers over the world.. I watched 6 episodes today, and I kinda like it. It's catchy, funny and the music is great. It's not fantastic but interesting and entertaining... ;)

Metropolis - New musical

I just felt like writing my excitement about the new musical I'm gonna start now!
We start this Thursday, and I can't wait! Though the last time I participated in this musical group it was hard, but damn I miss the weekly dance, sing and acting training. It like "kept me going" in an active and motivating way.

This year is gonna be different than last year, where we played "The Hunchback of Notre Dame." That was a known story, and with solid songs.

This year it is self written by our instructor and is inspired by the book 1984 by George Orwell, The Fifth Element and the movie Metropolis. It's a future story of a corrupted world. The songs are gonna be famous hits from both rock, reggae, pop etc. The characters and complete story is still under work.

Maan! I'm so exited! I think it's such a cool concept, and I can't wait to see the characteristics!
It's gonna be challengeling but fun! =3

Sidekick. I'm almost good again after illness. Stupid thing. Fewer, inflammation of the throat, inflammation in my ear (was half deaf in the weekend. T_T) But now I fell better! Just need to get rid of the normal cold. 

Monday, September 6, 2010

Back on track

Last week was the worst in a long time. Pretty ironic, when it was a week I had looked so much forward to.
I can't believe how ill, sad, irritable and furious I was. Well. Personal reasons, and I'll keep them that way.
Life is to short to waste it on those feelings I just mentioned. Well, the ill part is not something you can decide yourself, and yet again. I wanna get over it. I'm still ill now, but hope I'll get better in the next 2 days.

Hopefully this will be the last boring, depressing post I'll make in a long time! Hope I will make some more interesting ones soon.. XP

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Other costumes

Costumes which are not related to Japanese culture.