Sunday, November 28, 2010

Public tranportation in Denmark

Oh yes. Unfortunately that is me behind the camera...
Denmark is not very good at keeping the public transportation when snow rules the land. They honestly fuck it up. X/
I don't know why they can't figure something out, since they know that it will happen to winter every year. xp

As if the snow wasn't enough, they are doing some rail work, which makes it even more complicated to travel. I took one late bus, two trains, one train bus (because the train didn't go) and at last one train to get to my destination end.Two stupid hours.
I had to go fast to my school this Saturday where the picture is taken, to perform the last show of the musical Hairspray. (I will make a post about it later.)

I'm tired of traveling with public transportation, tired of waiting, freezing and getting pushed...

Damn.. Sad that you are addicted to it anyway...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Det tog mig næsten en halvanden time at komme fra Rødovre til Frederiksberg.. Det ville have været hurtigere at gå! Og da jeg endelig kom så langt, at jeg skulle ud af metroen, ville folk bare ikke flytte sig!!! Hvad er det for noget?! Ih..