- Musik A
- Mediefag B
Jeg kunne ikke forestille mig bedre fag at skrive opgave i! Det er to fag jeg virkelig elsker, og hvor jeg ikke ser metoderne og teorien som slavisk gymnasie arbejde, men rent faktisk et vidensområde jeg virkelig ønsker at bevæge mig ind på. Ikke desto mindre har jeg valgt at beskæftige mig med filmen Black Swan. Jeg blev virkelig fascineret første gang jeg så den film, og det på den visuelle og auditive side. Så hvorfor ikke gå i dybden med den i sin SRP? JA TAK!
Now came the day that was both feared and waited. The day where the SRP begun. SRP is short for a very important study assignment that students have to make in Denmark to get their exam on their last year at high school. You write this assignment where you operate with two of your main subjects. I have tried to stay very optimistic about it all, and it sure helped that I chose two subjects I love dearly:
Music and Media.
I couldn't think of better subjects to write this big assignment with. I have choosen to write about the film Black Swan. I loved it so much the first time I watched it, and knew that when I was going to write with Music and Media, it was ideal.
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