Thursday, April 29, 2010

Sirene fashion - Success!

Okay.. Here's the deal.. Fra mit tidligere indlæg fortalte jeg om en kjole jeg sammen med min søster lavede til en af vores venner til hans frisør eksamen - ting.. Og gosh den faldt i god jord! Sammen med hans super syge seje skills til hår fik han et 12 tal! YAY! TIllykke Nicklas! I admit, I failed as the model for this set.. XD
Super fedt! She looks gorgeous!

Okay.. Here's the deal. I explained from one of my earlier posts  that I made a dress together with my sister to one of our friends to his exam. And damn it went well! Togehter with his totally awesome skills at doing hair, he got himself a A+! YAY! Congratulations Nicklas! I admit, I failed as the model for this set. XD Super cool! She looks gorgeous!


Here's some pictures:

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