Thursday, December 29, 2011

Black Swan partitur

Hah! Modtog lige det node partitur jeg havde bestilt i forbindelse med SRP skrivningen. Jeg kunne downloade noderne enkeltvis (mod betaling selvfølgelig) men tænkte jeg nu egentlig gerne i andledningen ville have dem fysisk, var heller ikke helt sikker på hvilke numre jeg egentlig ville analysere. Well, jeg fik at vide det ville tage 6-10 dage med fragten og det endte med at tage - 4 uger... Jeg kunne jo ikke leve uden noderne, så betalte så for tre numre online.. T_T *Følelsen af at have brugt mange penge på sin SRP uden grund.... damn*

Når men nu har jeg den.. Og det er et meget flot hæfte. 87kr plus ca. 79kr i fragt... Ja jeg bestilte så jeg kunne få den hurtigt... Det skete ikke...MEN jeg fik den da! Sheetmusicplus!
Er du interesseret i at købe noget derinde fra inden den 4. februar 2012, så skriv da lige til mig da jeg har en coupon kode som giver 1.50$ rabbat. JEG VED DET! Man sparer bare maks!!! XP

Monday, December 26, 2011

"Vi mennesker siger og gør ting, som skal få os til at fremstå bedre, 
end vi i virkeligheden er."
- Lone Aburas, Den Svære Toer

English vs Danish

You make it very easy for me to decide...
Because of the great votes, I've come to the conclusion, that I decide what language I write in.. XD
It will change, cause sometimes I feel like doing it in English and other times just rage out in Danish. Thanks for voting! XP

Christmas 2011

Juleaften går hurtigere og hurtigere for hvert år der går. No wonder. Jeg har ikke rigtig været i julestemning i år, så det var virkelig svært at sætte sig ind i al den hygge og jul, men det gik og det blev da en rigtig dejlig aften med sindssyg god mad og nogle dejlige gaver. Og ja, jeg vil da også som så mange andre blære mig med hvad jeg fik. :)

Christmas eve goes faster and faster every year. No wonder. I haven't been in a real Christmas mood this year at all, so it was a bit hard to feel the lovely Christmas spirit, but it turned out to be a really lovely evening anyway with fantastic food and some great presents. And yes, I want to share what I got as well! :)

- Engle og Dæmoner af Dan Brown Angels and Demons
- Oxford Advanced Learner's English dictionary
- Lykke Li - Wounded Rhymes
- The Sims 3 - Kæledyr
- Penge

I wish I had some photos to share with you, but still I have no camera..

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Happy Christmas!

Hello everybody!
I just wanna wish you a Happy Christmas!!!

I must admit I personally get extremely melancholic and depressed, but I smile outwards and wanna enjoy the lovely food and company of my family! <3 I hope you will have a lovely evening as well, having a great time! :)

I would like to share with you my all time favorite winter photo of my dog Charlie. It's an old one and is taken with my old phone, but there is no limit to the beauty he gives a crappy camera... Damn I wish I had him to celebrate Christmas :)

One of my new years resolutions is to be a bit more
- happy - about myself, so I'll just start now share a photo of my totally not awesome curly hair for this Christmas evening! XP
And yes - good old webcam... My camera is in the hands of an unknown person.. 

Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Black Swan Theory

"The black swan theory or theory of black swan events is a metaphor that encapsulates the concept that The event is a surprise (to the observer) and has a major impact. After the fact, the event is rationalized by hindsight. The "Black Swan Theory" says that there are "Black Swan events" that have a major impact on the course of history."

Monday, December 5, 2011

SRP is ON!

Så kom så dagen der var både frygtet og ventet. Dagen hvor problemformuleringen til SRP'en blev udleveret og skrivedagene nu er blevet sparket igang. Jeg har prøvet at holde mig nogenlunde optimistisk her op til forløbet, for ikke at få opgaven til at komme som et alt for stort chock når dagen nu oprendte. Optimismen har ikke mindst været der af god grund! Jeg regner med at mine læsere har en nogenlunde forståelse for hvad SRP'en går ud på, om ikke andet finder du nok ud af det. De fag jeg har valgt er følgende:
  •  Musik A
  •  Mediefag B

Jeg kunne ikke forestille mig bedre fag at skrive opgave i! Det er to fag jeg virkelig elsker, og hvor jeg ikke ser metoderne og teorien som slavisk gymnasie arbejde, men rent faktisk et vidensområde jeg virkelig ønsker at bevæge mig ind på. Ikke desto mindre har jeg valgt at beskæftige mig med filmen Black Swan. Jeg blev virkelig fascineret første gang jeg så den film, og det på den visuelle og auditive side. Så hvorfor ikke gå i dybden med den i sin SRP? JA TAK!

Now came the day that was both feared and waited. The day where the SRP begun. SRP is short for a very important study assignment that students have to make in Denmark to get their exam on their last year at high school. You write this assignment where you operate with two of your main subjects. I have tried to stay very optimistic about it all, and it sure helped that I chose two subjects I love dearly:
Music and Media.
     I couldn't think of better subjects to write this big assignment with. I have choosen to write about the film Black Swan. I loved it so much the first time I watched it, and knew that when I was going to write with Music and Media, it was ideal.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Update on November

Yes... This will be a boring update on my life this November. Since I have no skills in blogging at all, you'll just get it all in one post. Sorry for my language and for being pretty straight forward. 

Btw, some of it might seem a little weird (time sense), I wrote the most of this post last week...

November is the month of emotional roller coaster! A lot have happened which have been insanely good, and awful. Well I think that's what everybody would call life. It is just difficult to figure out if you are going to be all positive about it, or just stay negative not to get overwhelmed all the time. I tried both, and it drives you mad and gives you a mood that you cannot control. So I'll just deal with everything when it stands right in front of me. My philosophy right now: "One day at a time." And I'm sorry if this is a problem to the people around me, sincerely I am, cause I know it is. But if I don't think that way, I'll collapse. I didn't have much time for sleeping this month which have evolved into a very low immune and I have had these days where I felt really bad. And now at the end of the month I lost my voice completely.. And I'm just ill, ill and ill.

I had my theory test to my drivers license 3rd of November. BAM! I had one mistake more than was aloud. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Weird questions. I was so angry and dissapointed. But nevertheless not embarrassed, either way I wouldn't write about it here. It happens.  It is so expensive, and I had no time to take it again. And if I didn't get it fast I wouldn't get my final test to the driver license because of the weather that (maybe) soon will change in Denmark. BUT! Luckely for me already got a time the following week - and I passed. Yay for me I guess!

The 11th, 12th and 13th of November we had the danish convention J-Popcon in DGI-byen in Copenhagen. I would really love to make a separate post about it, but it would be boring since I have no pictures - and let me tell you why!
     At Monday the 7th of November we had a break in into our house. Well thank you God all mighty above, just what I needed. I had had the worst day in school, I was very sick and hat the longest trip home. I intended to drug my self and go to sleep as soon as I stepped into the house. And what did I see... Yes, what you see when you have had a break in. I can tell you. I yelled. I yelled as I have never yelled before... Anger filled the whole of my body, I felt robbed of course, but also extremely offended. My private space had been provoked in a way that it snapped for me. I ran round in the house hyperventilating and yelling - seriously never been so mad. And I felt so weak and helpless because of my sickness. I tried to call my farther but he didn't understand a word I said before I calmed down. The police came but like I expected - they did nothing since they can't do anything about it other than write down the circumstances etc. We lost a lot of very important things - AND I HOPE YOU ***** WHO TOOK IT FELL GREAT! God dammit...
     Well back to J-Popcon 2011. Since I had my mood swings and "oh so busy life" I had no time to make a new costume for J-popcon. And I didn't really feel so much for my old ones. So I decided that I would go natural (almost) all weekend, and take pictures of all the gorgeous people around me instead! :) But now you see.. We had a break in... and they amongst other things took the love of my life. Dearest Canon EOS 450D... No pictures at J-Popcon. So be it. But it was a nice weekend! Though I was feeling completely beside myself I really enjoyed! I got to see some lovable friends from Germany and Italy! <3 Thank God. And insanely huge congratulations to my girls Samie and Yoshu whom one the qualifications to the WCS 2012!!! I can't describe the joy I felt when they won! Yes - honestly - I cried when their names was shouted. I had cried so hard if no one was looking. I've never tried it before I think, to get filled with so much happiness because of those girls. Their performance was incredible and .. yes.. Waow, Gosh I'm glad they won! :)

Well, on the theater front - Now when Herkules is over, I got time to focus on my theater at Ballerup Ungdomsskole. We were at a small trip with the group the 29th and 30th where we got our characters/roles. As I wrote in an earlier post we're going to perform a new written version of Alice in Wonderland. The role of Alice is split in five different parts, to symbolize the change in her size etc. (and because of pedagogical reasons. XD) Well the thing is, I am to be one of these Alices! :) I hoped to get a crazy role now that it is Alice in Wonderland, but I'm really glad and I'm really looking forward to work with it all. :) We had some rehearsals and I'm loving it. :3 I hope when November ends that I'll get even more time for it, since I been really ill and had a lot of things I had to do so I couldn't be at every rehearsal.
    Lets stay with theater. We are now done playing Metamorfoser at my Gymnasium. It is a Greek inspired multi theater performance originally written by Ovid. It has been a weird.. Good now doubt! But weird, especially because I've been beside myself.

Thursday, December 1, 2011


Jeg fik det!

Jeg var oppe til den praktiske prøve i dag klokken 07:00 og bestod! Den prøvesagkyndige jeg skulle have var sindssyg flink og behagelig at køre med! :) Han talte stille og roligt, spurgte ind til hvad jeg lavede til dagligt, grinte når jeg jokede og jokede med. Der var grænser for hvor nervøs jeg egentlig kunne være fordi han bare var så hyggelig og beroligende at snakke med. :) Jeg kan slet ikke beskrive hvor rart det er at have fået det overstået. Nu skal jeg ikke tænke på det mere, det er ude af verden! :D 


I was to the final "test" today to get my drivers license and I passed! I was driving at 07:00 o'clock in the morning, and my driving-test examiner was really kind and removed almost all my nervousness! :) I can't describe the relief I feel right now. It's out of the way! YAY! :D